Welcome to Lace Wigs 101, our informational site where you can find information on everything that you ever wanted to know about lace wigs from A to Z.
Whether you are a lace wig novice or a veteran lace wigger, there is always more to be discovered about lace wigs, from better application techiques, to the newest lace types and hair textures.
Our site is dedicated to providing you with the most current, up to date news and tidbits on the lace wig err, front. :)
So, grab a cup of coffee (or wine, or whatever beverage you use to get your kicks), sit back and prepare to be informed- and entertained. Class is in session!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

How to Avoid Lace Lifting and Sliding Back

Hello Divas!
Today's article addressed an issue that many of us that dealt with in the past. Lifting and sliding back of your lace wig unit.

Office Lace
Imagine yourself at work one day... There you are just going about your day, canoodling with co-workers and friends, pretending to work while surfing the internet, flirting with the cute guy from accounting. You get the picture, doing whatever it is that do while err, working. So, you're just sailing along, doing your thing, blissfully unaware of the fact that your lace wig has also decided to its own thing. And unfortunately for you, the thing that it is doing is coming unglued from your head. Right in the front.
Of course, you don't know this until you start getting the "hairline stares". A quick mirror check confirms your fears. Yep, your wig has slid back. Glue and everything is out for the entire world to see. You instantly panic, "How long has it been like this?" "Did the cute guy from accounting see it?"
Humilified, you feign illness so you can go home early and fix your damn wig.
As you can imagine, (and many of you can testify) this scenario is one that can make wish that you could shrink into a tiny version of yourself and hide under the nearest rock.

Today's article is devoted to describing ways to keep your unit secure and in place in hopes that I can save someone a little (or a lot, depending on the circumstances) of embarrassment.

If you are having problems with lifting here are a few tips to help reduce and eventually eliminate this situation:

1. Make sure that your skin is free of oil and perspiration prior to applying your lace wig. Oil on your skin will lead to your lace wig lifting and reducing the length of time that your wig remains attached. Use 91% alcohol to remove any oil from the perimeter of your hairline. (99% alcohol works as well but may be harsh to your skin. 99% alcohol is better suited to remove adhesive from your lace as opposed to your skin.)

2. Allow the alcohol to dry completely before applying a dermal barrier like Skin Shield or Scalp Protector. Allow the dermal barrier to dry completely.

3. Style your hair in a manner that allows it to lay as flat as possible underneath your wig - a wig cap may help you achieve this. A nude wig cap also helps seal in moisture to your natural hair and gives the illusion of “scalp” from any direction that your wig is parted.

4. Fit is important. If any of your measurements are too small, it be a constant struggle for you to keep your unit bonded. It is important to make sure that when your hair is measured for your lace wig, that your natural hair is styled in the same manner that it will be when the wig is applied.

5. Make sure that your wig does not rest too far down on your neck at the nape. Hold your head back and look directly up at the ceiling. If your lace wig extends past the crease at the nape of your neck when you hold your head in this manner - your wig will constantly lift at the nape. Adjust by applying Frayblock and cutting the excess lace and hair of the wig away. Cut from the back INSTEAD of at the front hairline. The front hairline of most wigs feature natural hairlines and may have bleached knots and babyhair. Cutting into this front portion could lead to an unnatural looking front hairline.

6. When applying your lace wig at the nape, be sure to hold your chin down toward your chest. This will prevent the nape area from lifting up once you have completed your wig application.

7. Make sure that the sideburns on the wig do not extend too far down on your face. This is especially important if you wear sunglasses or glasses. If the sideburns on the wig are too long, they will lift when your wig is pulled back into a pony tail or worn with a headband. Adjust by applying Frayblock and cutting the excess lace and hair of the wig away.

8. The last rule of bonding is to pay attention to the cleaning agents that you use on your lace unit. It is a well known fact that adhesives and oils do not mix. However, many women use oil based products such as Goo Gone or C-22 to remove adhesive residues from the lace on their units. Keep in mind that using a product like this can interfere with your wig bond during subsequent wig applications. If you use oil based removers or cleaning agents on your unit, it is good idea to cleanse the unit with a grease dissolving agent such as Dawn Dish detergent to cleanse away any oil remaining oil residues.

Ok, so that's it. By following the above tips, you should have little problem maintaining long term bonds with little to no lifting.

As always, thank you for viewing our site, and until next time, Stay Fabulous!


  1. Thanks. This gave me information that I have not gotten from other sites/blogs.

  2. Love the post.


  3. I love wigs! Thank you for sharing this amazing blog posts. I have so many wigs at home, but I still need guidance and advice how to work 'em properly.

  4. how can i keep my long hair lace wigs from splitting and matting up in the back
